Category: Homeopathy Articles

These homeopathy articles were written by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom NA over a span of 25 years. She shares her experience and understanding of this great healing art and science.

What Makes Me a Good Homeopath

What Makes Me a Good Homeopath   What makes me a good homeopath is that I am not the doer. I take the case, I type the notes, I do the repertorization. I make the charts. I attempt to analyze and make sense of all the data. All of this is just the work. The …

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Three Types of Listening in Homeopathy

Ammachi Portrait in Watercolor by Deborah Olenev

Three Types of Listening in Homeopathy Dear Friends, According to the Wen-Tzu, a classic of the Taoist religion, there are three types of listening:   Listening with the spirit Listening with the mind Listening with the ear   In terms of homeopathy there are three ways of prescribing:   In practicing with the spirit, the …

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Homeopathy Service Without Ego

Mahatma Gandhi Service Without Ego

Homeopathy Service Without Ego Here is a slideshow entitled Homeopathy Service Without Ego made by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) for the California Homeopathic Medical Society annual conference in May 2018. The slideshow talks about the role of intuition in homeopathic practice, how to cultivate and access that intuition, and the benefits this can have …

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God is the Best Homeopath


God is the Best Homeopath Dear Friends, A fellow homeopath sent me a question and I would like to share his question and my answer with you, as I feel a lot can be learned from it. Question: Dear long time friend, I have a patient whose personality carries two different remedy pictures, and needs …

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Staying Healthy With Homeopathy For Flus

Little Girl with the Flu

STAYING HEALTHY WITH HOMEOPATHY FOR FLUS Dear Friends, We are right in the midst of the winter flu season and I know it has been traveling around the neighborhood, visiting my house and my neighbor’s houses. Well, what can we do about it? How do we protect ourselves and our loved one’s? How do we …

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How to Have Loving Relationships

Loving Couple

How to Have Loving Relationships   Last month I had the privilege of spending time with two people I love very much. The couple loved each other very much too. The problem was that communication had broken down between the two of them so far, and resentment had piled up so high, that they had …

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Surgeons and Homeopaths Should Love One Another

Surgeons and Homeopaths Should Love One Another   For the sake of suffering humanity it would be lovely for surgeons and homeopaths to work together for the benefit of our patients. What inspired me to write this article is that in the beginning of May 2017 a little nine year old girl named Olivia had …

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How to Take Homeopathic Remedies

Boiron Remedy Bottles

How to Take Homeopathic Remedies Updated in March 2023 There are as many opinions on the subject of how to take homeopathic remedies as there are homeopaths. Understanding homeopathic posology is not easy, and it really takes years of practice to get a feeling for it. The goal of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, …

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Meditation How and Why? Whether your faith is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, or atheist, it doesn’t matter, all humans can benefit from meditation. Meditation at its core is the simplest and most natural human activity. It is taking time to connect with the source of who we are. When studying meditation techniques from …

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Health in the Age of WiFi

Cell Tower

Health in the Age of WiFi The less one knows about this subject, the happier one generally is. The question arises: Is ignorance bliss when it comes to Wifi radiation or EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Whether Wifi radiation is or is not a health threat is as controversial a question as does global warming really exist. …

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Nutrition Concepts for a Healthy Life


Nutrition Concepts for a Healthy Life The focus of this article is on nutrition – the appreciation  of whose value I came to very late in life. All of my understanding of nutrition hitherto has really been culturally based. I ate and cooked the way my parents and grandparents cooked. I was raised in Iran, …

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Cliffs of Gualala

One of the first injunctions in Samuel Hahneman, the founder of homeopathy’s, great book, The Or ganon of the Healing Arts or The Organon of Medicine, is the injunction to remove obstacles to cure. In the modern world, where we live with environmental pollution within and outside of our homes, this injunction is more important …

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Vaccinations the Homeopathic Perspective

Vaccinations the Homeopathic Perspective This article was written in response to a grandmother’s question about vaccinating her granddaugher. Dear Debbie, My daughter will be vaccinating her baby sooner than later, even though I asked her to delay until the baby will be at least 2 years old. Is there any homeopathic remedy that she can …

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The Elements of Health

Walking the Dog by Treeshark

The Elements of Health What does it take to be healthy? Is it enough just to take a homeopathic remedy? The answer is absolutely not. Health has to be approached from many angles. The first ingredient is nutrition. You can prescribe the best remedies, but if the nutrition is poor then the remedies will be …

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Arnica Montana Spirit of the Remedy

Falling Down

Arnica Montana Spirit of the Remedy   While watching the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi I got inspired to write an article about  the personality characteristics of people who need Arnica montana as a constitutional remedy. I learned about the personality characteristics of Arnica montana from Frans Kusse’s book called Homeopathic Types. I had never …

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Lycopodium Homeopathic Remedy

Lycopodium Homeopathic Remedy   In this article from one of my newsletters I feature Lycopodium clavatum, an utterly magnificent remedy. Why is it magnificent? Because it delivers healing when administered to a person who has the Lycopodium  characteristics, regardless of age or gender. Lycopodium has a few clear guiding symptoms, which point you to consider …

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Is There One Homeopathic Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life

Is There One Homeopathic Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life I received a question from a client asking: Is There One Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life? Here is my response: Dear Catherine (name made up), Your question Is There One Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life?  is such a wonderful one. Thank you for asking …

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Pulsatilla Nigricans Materia Medica

Pulsatilla Nigricans Materia Medica I did not intend this article to be a  comprehensive materia medica of Pulsatilla nigricans when I began writing it, but it grew in scope as I did research for the article. Initially I wanted to present the pointers to the remedy that I carry with me in my mind, and which …

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LM Potencies vs. Centesimal Scale Remedies

Fifty Millesimal Potency

LM Potencies vs. Centesimal Scale Remedies There are various ways to take homeopathic remedies. What I would like to do today is tell you about the two methods that I use most often: Centesimal Scale Remedies The centesimal scale remedies are the ones you see identified with the letter C after the number.  The dilution …

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A List of Homeopathic Remedies for Overseas Travel

A List of Homeopathic Remedies for Overseas Travel I received several calls over the summer from people asking me what remedies I recommend them to take along when they are traveling overseas. When my daughter went to India a number of years ago I prepared a kit for her. These are the remedies that I …

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