Category: Homeopathy Articles

These homeopathy articles were written by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom NA over a span of 25 years. She shares her experience and understanding of this great healing art and science.

Spiritual Homeopathy

Spiritual Homeopathy Many of my clients have not seen me for a number of years, so I would like to let you know how I work these days.   First of all, I try to practice what I preach. I meditate every morning when I wake up to get myself centered, that means out of …

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Questions about Alternating Remedies

Dear Friends, A man wrote me yesterday with some questions about alternating remedies, and I thought it would be fun to post his questions and my answers here, as others may have the same questions, so here goes: Question:  I had a question regarding alternating remedies. If you can’t find one remedy that covers all …

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The Method of No Method

Over the last few years I feel like I have come to a greater maturity in my practice. I have been studying and practicing homeopathy for 30 years, so I ought to have. I have learned the traditional homeopathic methods and have studied from the old masters. I have also studied and learned from the …

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Fools Crow Native American Shaman

Dear Wonderful Person, Please notice that I have addressed you as wonderful person rather than as friend or client. The reason I did this is that I have been reading about the life of Fools Crow, who was a great native American healer. He never used the words patient or client to address the people …

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Introduction to Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy? from Homeopathy for Health A History of Homeopathy The founder of homeopathy, and the man who coined its name, is Samuel Hahnemann. He was a physician, chemist, linguist, translator and father of ten children who was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1755. The famous story is told of how he was translating …

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Homeopathic and Folk Remedies for Colds and Flus

Dear Friends, We are right in the midst of the winter flu season and I know it has been traveling around the neighborhood, visiting my house and my neighbor’s houses.  Well, what can we do about it?  How do we protect ourselves and our loved one’s?  How do we hasten recovery?  Having just gone through …

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Correcting Character Weakness with Homeopathy

Correcting Character Weakness with Homeopathy There is one misconception that many of us have had or still have about homeopathy, and that is that homeopathy alone can correct our character weaknesses or challenging mental habits.  Yes, indeed, this does happen, but homeopathy should not be relied upon to make it happen, and our own personal …

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One or More Homeopathic Remedies for Life

One or More Homeopathic Remedies for Life Dear Friends, There are many different schools of thought as to whether there is only one remedy for a person throughout that person’s life, or whether people can benefit from different remedies at different stages of their lives. Here are my thoughts on that. Q. Is it true …

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Using Traditional Chinese Medicine with Homeopathy for Colds

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine with Homeopathy for Colds Dear Friends, The article below is a small gift of information to help you make wise decisions to keep you and your family healthy in the winter months, and to present you with alternatives to Western treatment for the flu, including the flu shot. Uppermost in many people’s …

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Swine Flu and Homeopathy

Swine Flu and Homeopathy Dear Friends, We have all witnessed the excitement over the Swine Flu Epidemic.  I want to say a few things about it from the homeopathic perspective.  There was a fear that the swine flu epidemic could turn into a pandemic, which means a world wide epidemic, of the proportions that the …

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