Here are links to some of the videos and slideshows I have on this website. Everything in purple is a link. You can view more slideshows at my First Aid Creams Company website. The URL is:
The Question of Susceptibility in Homeopathy
This is one of a series of videos on homeopathy and COVID19. In this video Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) discusses the concept of susceptibility in homeopathy. She also introduces other important concepts, such as the Law of Similars, the Vital Force, the magic of the minimum dose, the importance of not interfering with a remedy that is working, and the power of the tiny.
Deborah recommends that we invite homeopathy back to the larger healthcare table in the U.S. and around the world. Just the fact that homeopathy understands the role of susceptibility as a crucial factor in our response to infections, whereas the concept is a mystery to Western Medicine makes homeopathy a guest at the table with an enormous amount to offer.
This video is an excellent introduction to homeopathy, a modality with a proven track record in pandemics and epidemics.
Kill the Virus or Strengthen the Immune System
This video is a part of a series of four videos on Homeopathy and COVID19. In this video Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) reads from s a slideshow she made describing the differences between the Western medicine approach to dealing with the pandemic as compatred to the homeopathic approach. The key difference is that Western medicine is virus centric, and seeks to find a vaccine for the disease, a one size fits all approach. Homeopathy on the other hand seeks to individualize. What about this person with the disease is different from other people with the same diagnosis. The emphasis is on the strange, rare and peculiar symptoms that individualize the patient and guide to which remedy matches them the best. Homeopathy has had a very good track record in epidemics and pandemics of previous centuries and it should not be forgotten for COVID19.
Slideshow of Kill the Virus or Strengthen the Immune System
This is the slideshow that goes with the above video. It contrasts in visual form the philosophical and practical differences between homeopathy and Western Medicine.
Dream of the Widespread Use of Homeopathy for COVID19
In this video Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)tells of her vision of homeopathic remedies being distributed at COVID19 testing sites in the U.S. and around the world by people trained in basic homeopathic acute care.
She gives the materia medica of: Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Gelsemium sempervirens, Carbo vegetabilis and Phosphorous, remedies that are commonly indicated in COVID19.
Deborah talks about the Law of SImilars, which is the hallmark of homeopathy: matching the symptoms of the patient to a remedy that has produced similar symptoms in the healthy to bring about resonance and cure.
Western medicine is waiting for a miracle vaccine, while the inexpensive miraculous homeopathic remedies with a fantastic track record of healing in past pandemics, such as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, are being ignored.
This is Deborah’s passionate cry to say remember the miraculous, remember homeopathy and put it to use in the world in a time when it is ignored, but sorely needed.
This is the third in a series of videos on homeopathy and COVID19 by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA). This video is a reading from an article with the same title that Deborah wrote toward the beginning of COVID19 when the virus and the havoc it was to wreak were still in the early stages.
Deborah wonders at the fact that despite over thirty years of experience as a homeopath no one was calling for assistance with recovering from the virus.
She questions why the general public does not turn to homeopathy, a modality that has had a tremendous track record in treating pandemics and epidemics in previous centuries.
Deborah explores the reasons why homeopathy has been neglected at a time when it is so sorely needed.
This is a video made about before Deborah had gray hair. She decided to make this video off the cuff, so you can see that it has a lot of rough edges, but it does give you an idea about what homeopathy is, and you see what Deborah looked like before life took more of a toll on her.
A History of Homeopathy and Explanation of its Principles – Slideshow
This is a colorful (red background) slideshow that I made many years ago that talks about the principles of homeopathy. It is a good introductory video that gives you a snapshot of what homeopathy is about.
I made this video on June 28, 2011 more than ten years ago, and I just watched it again after that interval, and I have to say the younger me did a good job. I am amazed that she was so wise. I could redo the video, but I wouldn’t be as cute.
This is a video of me doing the mudras that I use during meditation. These mudras come from Baba Hari Dass’s book the Ashtanga Yoga Primer. I made this video about 11 years ago and I still use these videos every day in meditation. This is an extremely powerful meditation tool, because first of all it helps make the meditation less boring; it takes about 30 minutes to go through; it gives you focus points; and it calms the mind. If you watch this you get to see what I looked like in my younger days.
Meditation Demo by Deborah Olenev
Deborah Olenev made this video of herself meditating using a Tibetan Mantra – Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum. By her own admission this is the most boring video ever made, but her son says he has one even more boring.
The Story of Fire from Tales of the Dervishes by Idries Shah read by Deborah Olenev
Deborah Olenev reads this fantastic story called the Story of Fire from an anthology of Sufi Tales by Idries Shah. In this story fire and its uses and its serviceability to mankind have been forgotten. People do not believe that such a fantastic thing could ever have existed, nor do they believe in the truth of it. There is a parallel to this in the popular culture with regard to homeopathy.
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Mountain View,
Phone: 650-569-6219
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Amazing write-up! Reading one of the best informative posts about homeopathy medicine will help to get best homeopathic treatment . Thanks for sharing!
I noticed your Article. I just loved it.
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Dear Srilakshmi,
You are very welcome. I am happy the information on the website has been helpful to you.
I wish you health and happiness.
Warm regards,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
I have read your information and your suggestions that you have shared with us. You made a good site and giving us such a great information. Thanks for sharing the best and useful tips they very nice and very help us.
Thank you for sharing this information and tips they very useful to us. We have read your articles and Got such a good information on this topic. You made a good site it very useful and amazing one. We impressed with your job, thanks for your support.
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Dear Kathy,
Thank you for writing. It is quite possible that Sepia would be a good remedy for you.Ideally it would be great for you to consult with a homeopath who can guide you with your treatment. The homeopath can help with remedy selection, case management, repetition of the remedy and so forth. In the long run it should expedite your healing, so that you can get back to your normal self quickly.
If you are interested in consulting with me, please complete the adult questionnaire and e-mail it back to me. That way I will know you are interested in scheduling a consultation and that you are ready. The questionnaire and fee schedule are on my website.
I wish you and your family health and happiness.
In love and service
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Dear Faridulhaq,
I am sorry for my delay in responding to your question. I have been very busy, and always get to the blog comments last.
I am unable to answer your question or make any suggestions about your treatment, because I am not familiar with your case. Since you are working with a homeopath, you should let the homeopath know that the remedies you have been prescribed so far are not helping you, and ask the homeopath to look deeper into the situation. You also need to make sure that you are giving the remedies enough time to work.
There are 189 remedies listed for hemorrhage from the lungs. Calendula officinalis is not listed among the 189. The remedy listed in highest degree for this is Ipecacuanha, followed by Millefolium in second position. China is in third position. This is a great remedy for ailments from loss of vital fluids.
There are 127 remedies listed for bronchiectasis. One would have to figure out which of these remedies fits your case the best.
I wish you success in your healing.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Dear James,
Thank you for writing with your question about my recommendations for a course of study to become a homeopath. Here is a link to the National Center for Homeopathy’s page on studying homeopathy:
Another good resource is the On-Line-Learning Courses from Whole Health Now. These classes are taught by Kim Elia, Will Taylor, Dr. Faroukh Masters and others. This is good for continuing education.
Getting a good classial education in homeopathy is crucial. It is important to understand homeopathic philosophy, homeopathic history, homeopathic posology, homeopathic materia medica, and also to have the same basic training that Western doctors have in anatomy, physiology, and biology. Life experience and a strong spiritual practice are also fundamentally important.
Good luck in your homeopathic education.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Deborah i been reading your homeopathic comments and enjoy your explanations Do you recommend any particular cours to become a homeopath I been reading upon it for 2 years.
I am suffering from bronchiactasis BIL (pulmonary inflamation) as per report of ct scan of chest. Sputum FB -FB not found.smear showed several leukocytes. cytology – negative for malignant cell.Sputum for gram stain-smear showed several leucocytes @ numerous gram positive cocci. Red bleeding with cough occasionally when lifting heavy weight and in hot weather and dusty atmosphere. I have also treamor of both hand left hand more. I feel that there may be some injury persisting internally may be in the lungs for which red bleeding don’t cure. I am taking Geranium maculatum and acalyifa Q but getting no permanent symptom of cure.I am thinking to take calendula Q orally for stopping internal bleeding from lungs. oesofagus test report is normal.If you please give me your valuable suggestion I might be benefitted and shall be greatfull and will remember you till my death.
Case #1 Jacqueline just about describes me, I NEED HELP!!!! As I was reading the case I was thinking that what I was feeling was just me. I am in that dark cloud and I desperately need to get back to my normal self. I am going through menopause, I am 52 and I have a 13 year old daughter. She is going through puberty and I’m going through menopause, which is not a good combination. My Husband does not understand what is going on with me and I sure don’t. Just wondering if the Sepia 6C will help me get back to normal?
Dear Patti,
Thank you for your question. There are nearly a thousand remedies listed for acne in homeopathy, so a prescription cannot be based on this symptom alone. If your friend wanted help with homeopathy, she should consult a homeopath, who can take her whole case and prescribe a remedy based on the totality of her symptoms. Homeopathy is wonderful for helping with acne, so it is well worth to pursue this route of treatment.
Warm regards,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Hi Deborah,
My friend who is 33 started a new job months back and started getting acne on her chin.
Is there a remedy you can suggest?
Thank you
Dear Vivian,
I got your blog comment about your daughter’s head concussion. There are a number of remedies that can help with head concussions with memory loss. Arnica is one of them. Hypericum is listed even higher for this than Arnica. Natrum sulphuricum is well known for this. There are a number of other remedies as well.
You can give your daughter a single dose of Arnica 30C or 200C and then observe her over a month or two. You should not have to repeat the remedy. If it does not help sufficiently then give her the Hypericum in the same way. Here are the instructions I would use:
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Dissolve all the pellets in the enclosed envelope in 2 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Drink4 tablespoons or small sips of the liquid. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may continue to drink water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
You may experience a time in the first weeks after taking the remedy when your symptoms might be up and down. This is the remedy cycling through your repertoire of symptoms and looking for what it needs to work on. Each time you take a remedy the cycling process gets easier, but I wanted to make you aware that this is a normal process after taking a remedy.
I hope your daughter fully recovers soon.
Warm regards,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)