Tag: Homeopathy Articles

Homeopathy Meeting The Challenges of Modern Life

My Granddaughters in 2024

Homeopathy Meeting The Challenges of Modern Life   Dear Friends, My way of working has significantly changed over what it had been in the first three decades of my practice. I began my homeopathic education by studying the classic texts: The Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann, The Lectures on Homeopathic Education by James Tyler …

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Belladonna – Wild Child Full of Grace

Belladonna Flower and Berry

Belladonna – Wild Child Full of Grace Many people know the beautiful Jim Morrison song, Wild Child, Full of Grace. This is a lovely description of a child in a Belladonna state. People familiar with homeopathy will know of the picture of Belladonna in the acute state. This would be the child with a very …

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The Bowel Nosodes: A Missing Key

Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice by John Saxton

The Bowel Nosodes: A Missing Key Dear Friends, If some billionaire were to offer me a million dollars as a gift or knowledge of the bowel nosodes as an alternate gift, I would say keep your million dollars, but give me knowledge of the bowel nosodes. This may be one of the philosopher’s stones, what …

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Homeopathy and the Treatment of Flus

Homeopathy and the Treatment of Flus by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) Written on November 13, 2009 Dear Friends, We have all witnessed the excitement over the Swine Flu Epidemic.  I want to say a few things about it from the homeopathic perspective.  There was a fear that the swine flu epidemic could turn into …

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Challenges to Healthy Living in the Modern World

School age play

Challenges to Healthy Living in the Modern World by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) Written on February 9, 2010 To live a healthy life in harmony with nature and with our own inner needs is the biggest challenge facing each individual in the modern world. In order to adapt to society’s requirements for successful living …

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Nosodes, Homeopathy and Autism

Nosodes, Homeopathy and Autism by Deborah Olenev, C.C.H. RSHom (NA) October 28, 2005 Dear Friends, This article was written by me in 2005. I have gained a lot of experience since then, as have many other homeopaths. Sometimes I regret having written this article, because I feel that it may inspired too many people to …

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My Methodology in Homeopathic Case Management

My Methodology in Homeopathic Case Management by Deborah Olenev, C.C.H. RSHom (NA) What I want to write about in this article is my methodology. The nuts and bolts of how I work, from when the client first contacts me, through the case taking process, case analysis, repertorization and case management. I have cured many hundreds …

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Silica – Queen of Homeopathic Remedies for Vaccine Reactions

Silica – Queen of Homeopathic Remedies for Vaccine Reactions Probably about half of the people reading this article will have received their vaccinations, and G-d willing, everyone is responding well and not having any adverse reactions or side effects. Most of the people I meet seem to be doing fine after the COVID19 shots. A …

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The Question of Susceptibility in Homeopathy

Homeopathy Vials and Pellets

The Question of Susceptibility in Homeopathy by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)   The question of susceptibility is central to homeopathy. In Western Medicine susceptibility is not a concept that is discussed much. Experts may attribute the various types of responses people have to viruses as dependent on viral load, genetics, preexisting conditions,  age or …

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Dream of the Widespread Use of Homeopathy

Drive Through COVID19 Testing

Dream of the Widespread Use of Homeopathy   Dream of the Widespread Use of Homeopathy   I have a dream that when people drive to COVID19 testing sites that they get tested, but at the same time a trained homeopath, or doctors, nurses, or medical personnel who have taken training courses in acute homeopathic care …

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Coronavirus A Homeopathic Perspective


Coronavirus A Homeopathic Perspective Dear Friends, I hope you are all doing well. My inbox has been flooded with articles about the Coronavirus and what you can do to prevent it. I wrote an article a few years back Staying Healthy With Homeopathy For Flus when the SARS epidemic was the big fear of the …

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Safeguard our Precious Homeopathy

White Rose by Deborah Olenev

Safeguard our Precious Homeopathy From to time our access to homeopathic remedies becomes threatened. We are once again in such a time.  The FDA is wanting to cancel the guidelines that have been in place for thirty years for the manufacture of homeopathic medicines. Lovers of homeopathy are being asked to write to the FDA …

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What Makes Me a Good Homeopath

What Makes Me a Good Homeopath   What makes me a good homeopath is that I am not the doer. I take the case, I type the notes, I do the repertorization. I make the charts. I attempt to analyze and make sense of all the data. All of this is just the work. The …

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Lycopodium Homeopathic Remedy

Lycopodium Homeopathic Remedy   In this article from one of my newsletters I feature Lycopodium clavatum, an utterly magnificent remedy. Why is it magnificent? Because it delivers healing when administered to a person who has the Lycopodium  characteristics, regardless of age or gender. Lycopodium has a few clear guiding symptoms, which point you to consider …

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Is There One Homeopathic Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life

Is There One Homeopathic Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life I received a question from a client asking: Is There One Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life? Here is my response: Dear Catherine (name made up), Your question Is There One Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life?  is such a wonderful one. Thank you for asking …

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Pulsatilla Nigricans Materia Medica

Pulsatilla Nigricans Materia Medica I did not intend this article to be a  comprehensive materia medica of Pulsatilla nigricans when I began writing it, but it grew in scope as I did research for the article. Initially I wanted to present the pointers to the remedy that I carry with me in my mind, and which …

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Spiritual Homeopathy

Spiritual Homeopathy Many of my clients have not seen me for a number of years, so I would like to let you know how I work these days.   First of all, I try to practice what I preach. I meditate every morning when I wake up to get myself centered, that means out of …

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Introduction to Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy? from Homeopathy for Health A History of Homeopathy The founder of homeopathy, and the man who coined its name, is Samuel Hahnemann. He was a physician, chemist, linguist, translator and father of ten children who was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1755. The famous story is told of how he was translating …

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One or More Homeopathic Remedies for Life

One or More Homeopathic Remedies for Life Dear Friends, There are many different schools of thought as to whether there is only one remedy for a person throughout that person’s life, or whether people can benefit from different remedies at different stages of their lives. Here are my thoughts on that. Q. Is it true …

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Using Traditional Chinese Medicine with Homeopathy for Colds

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine with Homeopathy for Colds Dear Friends, The article below is a small gift of information to help you make wise decisions to keep you and your family healthy in the winter months, and to present you with alternatives to Western treatment for the flu, including the flu shot. Uppermost in many people’s …

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