Homeopathy Meeting The Challenges of Modern Life Dear Friends, My way of working has significantly changed over what it had been in the first three decades of my practice. I began my homeopathic education by studying the classic texts: The Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann, The Lectures on Homeopathic Education by James Tyler …
Tag: homeopathy philosophy
Jul 11
Homeopathy Does Not Leave the Person Out of the Equation
Homeopathy Does Not Leave the Person Out of the Equation Dear Friends, I had an interesting experience this weekend. I went to a class with a master Qi Gong teacher, because I was curious to learn from her. I had studied T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Qi Gong for eleven years with the late Sophia Delza …
May 18
The Question of Susceptibility in Homeopathy
The Question of Susceptibility in Homeopathy by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) The question of susceptibility is central to homeopathy. In Western Medicine susceptibility is not a concept that is discussed much. Experts may attribute the various types of responses people have to viruses as dependent on viral load, genetics, preexisting conditions, age or …
Apr 19
Dream of the Widespread Use of Homeopathy
Dream of the Widespread Use of Homeopathy Dream of the Widespread Use of Homeopathy I have a dream that when people drive to COVID19 testing sites that they get tested, but at the same time a trained homeopath, or doctors, nurses, or medical personnel who have taken training courses in acute homeopathic care …
Jan 09
Safeguard our Precious Homeopathy
Safeguard our Precious Homeopathy From to time our access to homeopathic remedies becomes threatened. We are once again in such a time. The FDA is wanting to cancel the guidelines that have been in place for thirty years for the manufacture of homeopathic medicines. Lovers of homeopathy are being asked to write to the FDA …
May 31
Homeopathy Service Without Ego
Homeopathy Service Without Ego Here is a slideshow entitled Homeopathy Service Without Ego made by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) for the California Homeopathic Medical Society annual conference in May 2018. The slideshow talks about the role of intuition in homeopathic practice, how to cultivate and access that intuition, and the benefits this can have …