Three Types of Listening in Homeopathy
Dear Friends,
According to the Wen-Tzu, a classic of the Taoist religion, there are three types of listening:
Listening with the spirit
Listening with the mind
Listening with the ear
In terms of homeopathy there are three ways of prescribing:
In practicing with the spirit, the homeopath, understanding the fallibility of the ego, yields to the wisdom of the Inner Teacher and implements the Inner Teacher’s guidance. Hence the homeopath does not make the prescription, but serves as an instrument of the Divine Will.
In listening with the spirit, she employs the ears, employs the mind, employs intuition, and yields to the highest, which is Divine guidance.
The second way of prescribing is with the Mind. When a prescriber practices from this level, they are trying to find the answer by cognition, through analyzing, adherence to theories, concepts, and ideas, believing that the mystery that is life can be understood by the mental plane.
Here the homeopath relies on her accumulated knowledge, education, passion, curiosity and her personal judgment. This can lead to good prescribing as far as the limits of the human mind can go. Since homeopathy is a healing method dealing with the mysteries of the universe, there is a point beyond which human reason cannot go, so when the homeopath stops at the level of the mind and doesn’t have tools to transcend it, then they are caught in limitation.
The third way of prescribing is listening with the Ear.
In this kind of prescribing understanding the nature of homeopathy, the nature of the remedies, the nature of people in illness and health has not been apprehended.
Remedies are prescribed symptomatically, combination remedies are used, formulations are developed with not even a surface understanding of the holy substances comprising the remedies.
The motivation here is to make prescribing simple, so that Ailment A will be given Formula No. 1. All of this has nothing to do with Divine Homeopathy.
People can have positive responses to this method, if something in a formulation is homeopathic to the case, but this is not the higher way.
Blessed is the patient who is guided to a homeopath who listens with the Spirit.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
“Look inside of yourself and see where your heart is closed, where your viewpoint is fixed and where your judgments are hardened. Then open your heart up with love, compassion, understanding and kindness.” – The Inner Teacher
Note regarding blog comments:
Dear Friends,
I appreciate your visiting my website and reading my articles and taking the time to write your comments. I welcome your comments and will post them if it looks like what you have to say will be helpful to others. I may not write a comment back, but will let the article itself present my point of view.
I am no longer responding to people’s questions regarding personal health matters on my blog, because it becomes stressful for me due to the volume of such questions that I get.
Also there is no way I can actually answer these questions properly without familiarizing myself with the person’s health.
For anyone who is interested in working with me, please complete the appropriate questionnaire and send it to me. This way I will know that you are ready to move forward with a consultation.
I wish you the best of health.
Peace be with you,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)