Deborah Olenev

Author's posts

Lycopodium Homeopathic Remedy

Lycopodium Homeopathic Remedy   In this article from one of my newsletters I feature Lycopodium clavatum, an utterly magnificent remedy. Why is it magnificent? Because it delivers healing when administered to a person who has the Lycopodium  characteristics, regardless of age or gender. Lycopodium has a few clear guiding symptoms, which point you to consider …

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Is There One Homeopathic Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life

Is There One Homeopathic Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life I received a question from a client asking: Is There One Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life? Here is my response: Dear Catherine (name made up), Your question Is There One Remedy Needed Throughout a Person’s Life?  is such a wonderful one. Thank you for asking …

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Pulsatilla Nigricans Materia Medica

Pulsatilla Nigricans Materia Medica I did not intend this article to be a  comprehensive materia medica of Pulsatilla nigricans when I began writing it, but it grew in scope as I did research for the article. Initially I wanted to present the pointers to the remedy that I carry with me in my mind, and which …

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LM Potencies vs. Centesimal Scale Remedies

Fifty Millesimal Potency

LM Potencies vs. Centesimal Scale Remedies There are various ways to take homeopathic remedies. What I would like to do today is tell you about the two methods that I use most often: Centesimal Scale Remedies The centesimal scale remedies are the ones you see identified with the letter C after the number.  The dilution …

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A List of Homeopathic Remedies for Overseas Travel

A List of Homeopathic Remedies for Overseas Travel I received several calls over the summer from people asking me what remedies I recommend them to take along when they are traveling overseas. When my daughter went to India a number of years ago I prepared a kit for her. These are the remedies that I …

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Balancing Housework and Your Life

Tired of Washign the Dishes

Balancing Housework and Your Life In your free time how do you select where to put your energies, going on the premise that in a day there is so much time available, and so much energy to do the work you would like to do. Is there a principle you could follow to help you …

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Spiritual Homeopathy

Spiritual Homeopathy Many of my clients have not seen me for a number of years, so I would like to let you know how I work these days.   First of all, I try to practice what I preach. I meditate every morning when I wake up to get myself centered, that means out of …

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Bellis Perennis

Bellis perennis is the English daisy and a member of the Compositae family, from which most of our first aid remedies come from. I always felt that this remedy ought to exist in cream and ointment form, but none of the suppliers I knew carried it until Washington Homeopathic Products made if for me in …

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Questions about Alternating Remedies

Dear Friends, A man wrote me yesterday with some questions about alternating remedies, and I thought it would be fun to post his questions and my answers here, as others may have the same questions, so here goes: Question:  I had a question regarding alternating remedies. If you can’t find one remedy that covers all …

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The Method of No Method

Over the last few years I feel like I have come to a greater maturity in my practice. I have been studying and practicing homeopathy for 30 years, so I ought to have. I have learned the traditional homeopathic methods and have studied from the old masters. I have also studied and learned from the …

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Mudras for Meditation

I first saw somebody doing mudras for meditation while walking in my local park in 2005. A young woman, who looked like she recently came from China, was doing her yoga and meditation practice on a blanket on the grass. As part of her meditation she was using mudras or hand gestures. I was fascinated, …

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Fools Crow Native American Shaman

Dear Wonderful Person, Please notice that I have addressed you as wonderful person rather than as friend or client. The reason I did this is that I have been reading about the life of Fools Crow, who was a great native American healer. He never used the words patient or client to address the people …

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Pasha Visits Afghanistan

Dear Friends, When I heard Pasha recount the story of her trip to Afghanistan in 2009, I was blown away by her description of this country. I assumed that Afghanistan was a war-torn nation full of traumatized people, but what she told me painted a very different picture. She described a people who had learned …

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Rhus toxicodendron Homeopathic First Aid Remedy

If I were told that I could limit my home remedy kit to only five remedies, I would be sure that Rhus toxicodendron Homeopathic First Aid Remedy (or Rhus tox) were one of the five. I prescribe this remedy to more clients than any other. This is a constitutional remedy, an acute remedy and a …

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Homeopathy Questionnaire for Children

Children’s Homeopathy Questionnaire Download the Microsoft Word document of the Children’s Homeopathy Questionaire   Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) Homeopathy for Health 59 Paul Avenue Mountain View CA 94041 Phone 650-569-6219   Homeopathy Questionnaire for Children   What is your child’s name? What is your child’s date of birth? What is your mailing …

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Adult Homeopathy Questionnaire

Download the Microsoft Word document of the Adult Homeopathy Questionaire    Deborah Olenev, C.C.H. 59 Paul Avenue Mountain View CA 94041 (650) 569-6219 voice mail (650) 625-0692 home (650) 386-5415 fax Adult Homeopathy Questionnaire   What is your name? What is your date of birth? What is your address?   What are your …

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Urtica Urens A Homeopathic First Aid Remedy

To buy Urtica urens cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here. To watch a slide show about Urtica urens, please click here   Urtica Urens a homeopathic first aid remedy for burns is one of nature’s gifts that it would behoove us all to know about. I spend a great deal of …

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Symphytum Officinale a Homeopathic First Aid Remedy

Symphytum officinale a homeopathic first aid remedy is also knows as comphrey, knitbone and bone-set in herbal medicine. The latter names precisely describe its sphere of genius, the mending of broken bones, and the treatment of bone diseases, ranging from inflammation of the bones, or osteitis to cancers of the bones or sarcomas. Whenever I …

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The Transformation from Illness to Health

The Transformation from Illness to Health and Steps along the Way What makes a sick person different from a healthy person, and how can people move from one side of the health equation to the other? This is truly a spiritual and temporal transformation encompassing every aspect of life. I have noticed that healthy people …

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Why I Meditate

Rather than quoting a brilliant writing by an enlightened spiritual teacher, I will speak here about why I meditate, and the benefits to be incurred from a meditation practice. One of the most important benefits of meditation is developing the self-observer or witness. In meditating the meditator tries to quiet the mental chatter that is …

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