I first saw somebody doing mudras for meditation while walking in my local park in 2005. A young woman, who looked like she recently came from China, was doing her yoga and meditation practice on a blanket on the grass. As part of her meditation she was using mudras or hand gestures. I was fascinated, and watched her without trying to look like I was staring.
When I went home I looked for any information I could find on mudras on the web and also in our home library. Surprisingly we did have a book that had mudras in it called “Ashtanga Yoga Primer,” by Baba Hari Dass. Baba Hari Dass is the silent guru up at Mount Madonna Center in the mountains outside of Gilroy in California. If you have never been there, it is a wonderful retreat center.
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I set myself the task of memorizing these mudras and using them in my meditation practice. One may ask why such a thing would be valuable. The reason I find it valuable is that it gives the mind something to focus on during meditation. Having a focus point helps keep the mind from wandering to its customary thoughts.
I usually combine the mudras with other meditation tools when I use them. These tools are watching the breath and chanting mantras silently to myself. With three focus points even the most restless mind can be quieted and centered.
One of the side benefits I have found from using the mudras is that it taught me that by focusing on my hands at any time of the day I can recenter myself and quiet my mind. I can do this when I am riding a bicycle, washing the dishes, cooking dinner or holding my child or my husband’s hand.
Mudras are a tool for building awareness and bringing one into the moment. I hope that you enjoy the video demonstration of the mudras.
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Peace be with you,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Mountain View,
Phone: 650-569-6219
Website: www.homeopathyforhealth.net
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Dear Mr. Singh,
I am happy that you liked the Mudras for Meditation video. I am not sure if I can offer any guidance, except to say that it is important with any spiritual exercise that you establish a daily practice. I like to do silent sitting meditation daily. When I have difficulty quieting my mind, I will use mudras, mantras or pranayama to help focus my mind and quiet it down,
I work hard during the day, but I try to make sure I take time in the evening to sit, whether in formal sitting posture, or not and quiet my mind. I try to do this rather than resorting to distractions, such as the TV, magazines, books, and music when I am tired. This helps to center and organize the mind and digest the events of the day.
I never fail to start the morning with a half hour to one hour meditation, and if I can I will meditate longer on the weekends. I view my home as the family Ashram, the sanctuary of our spiritual life. Meditation, yoga, T’ai Chi Ch’uan exercises, and walking in nature are part of the daily ashram activities.
I hope this was helpful. I wish you inner peace from your spiritual practice.
Warm regards,
Thanks for this video. Yes, mudras are a most excellent practice. My Tibetan teacher repeats over and over, “[While performing mudras] the attention is always on the hands.” Thank you!
[…] Mudra: Use of Mudras or Hand Gestures is another tool, which I have written about in other articles. This method is helpful if the mind is extremely restless, and you need additional focus points, other than mantra and breath to rein in the mind. You can watch a video of me doing mudras on my website. Here is the link: https://homeopathyforhealth.net/2011/06/29/mudras-for-meditation/ […]