To buy Urtica urens cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here.
To watch a slide show about Urtica urens, please click here
Urtica Urens a homeopathic first aid remedy for burns is one of nature’s gifts that it would behoove us all to know about. I spend a great deal of my day in the kitchen cooking for my family, and once in a while I get distracted and get one of those everyday kitchen burns. This is when I reach for the jar of Urtica urens sitting on the shelf above my cereals, so that I have easy access to it when I need it. This cream relieves the pain and repercussions from the common first degree household burn very easily. For more serious burns, I will usually combine it with Hypericum and Calendula creams, and for very serious burns I will take a dose of Cantharis 30C or Arsenicum album 30C internally to help with the pain and prevent infection.
I had call to use this protocol when my son, who was 20 at the time, burnt himself on a camping trip. He had a third degree burn that covered the entire area of his right forearm. He had burnt himself two days earlier, and unfortunately, did not have his mom’s homeopathic first aid kit with him, so he suffered with severe pain for about four hours when someone found some Arnica cream, which he applied to his arm. This helped take the edge off the pain.
When he came home I applied a combination of the three creams I mentioned above, Urtica urens cream, Hypericum cream to help with the injury to the nerves, and Calendula cream for general wound healing, and then wrapped the arm with a bandage.
By the time my son got home he was already out of most of his pain, but all the pain disappeared promptly after the application of the creams. I also decided to give him a dose of Cantharis 30C. This remedy is excellent for scald burns and third degree burns.
I had a similar burn to my son’s ten years earlier when I poured a cup of boiling hot water on my arm. At that time I applied the creams right away, as I was lucky enough to have them on hand, but I was still in considerable pain, so I decided to take Cantharis 30C. It took away the pain within minutes of the remedy dissolving under my tongue, and I was able to carry on my nightly activities as though no mishap had occurred. Only in the morning when I examined my arm and saw the large blisters, did I realize I had a third degree burn. Would that all hospital emergency rooms and home medicine chests had these wonderful homeopathic remedies and creams on hand to help burn victims effectively and quickly.
The focus of this book is on homeopathic first aid remedies and the application of homeopathic first aid creams, but Urtica urens has a lot of other uses for general health, which I will mention below:
1) Urtica urens is the first remedy to be thought of for first degree burns. For second and third degree burns and scald burns, consider taking remedies, such as Cantharis, Arsenicum, Causticum and others. There are 181 remedies listed in my materia medica software for burns, so it would behoove you to contact a knowledgeable homeopath to get help with the treatment of serious burns and their after effects. Urtica urens can also help with old burns that have never healed well.
2) Utrica urens has a lot to do with lactation. It has a reputation for helping women build up their milk supply when it is scanty, and it also helps nursing mothers who have no milk at all, a condition called agalactorrhea. Urtica urens can also help dry up the milk supply in women who are weaning. The remedy also helps with inappropriate lactation, such as the presence of milk in women who have never had children, or are not currently nursing children. Swelling of the breasts is another symptom of this remedy. I have never actually done this, but it would be interesting to experiment with rubbing the cream on the breasts to assist mothers who want to increase their milk production, or decrease it if they are weaning their baby.
3) Urtica urens has a big reputation for helping with the uric acid diathesis, or lithiasis, which is the presence of stones and calculi in the internal organs. This means it can help with the pain and inflammation of gout, and with the evacuation of kidney stones, calculi in the urine, and gallstones.
4) Urtica urens, like Apis mellifica, is one of our remedies for allergic hives. The word urticaria or nettle rash actually comes from Urtica urens. The rash is an allergic reaction characterized by raised red skin welts, with a white central spot that itches intolerably. Swelling and burning of the skin can also be a feature of the urticaria. The allergic reaction can be triggered by contact with an allergen, such as this plant itself, poison oak or Rhus exposure, or a food allergen, such as fish, shell-fish and meat. This remedy is known to help with all of these types of allergens. The rash can also be triggered by emotional stress and cold weather. The hives of Urtica urens are relieved by rubbing, lying down, and aggravated by warm bathing, vigorous exercise and the snow.
5) Urtica urens can also help with itching or pruritis (another word for itch) in various parts of the body. It is mentioned in the texts for itching of the scrotum, that keeps the patient up all night. It is also listed for intense vaginal itch.
6) Urtica urens helps reduce the pain and swelling of bee and wasp bites. Compare with Apis mellifica and Ledum palustre for insect and bee bites. Urtica urens is one of 93 remedies listed in my computer materia medica software for snake bites. Obviously seek professional help, including the help of a professional homeopath if you have been bitten by a snake.
7) Here is a list of unusual symptoms mentioned in various materia medicas for Urtica urens:
Chicken pox
Sunburn with intense burning and itching
Urticaria alternating with rheumatism
Urticaria with pinworms
Right deltoid rheumatism
Dr. Compton Burnett used it for the treatment of ague, which is an archaic term for a fever, with paroxysms of sweating and chills, such as a malarial or typhoid fever. He used this remedy successfully in a lot of such cases.
The most common types of pains that Urtica urens has are burning pains, stinging pains, and stitching pains.
The primary condition that I would use this cream for is first degree burns. For non first aid uses of the remedy, I would consider taking it in potency and consulting a professional homeopath to make sure you have selected the best remedy for the patient.
To buy Urtica urens cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here.
To watch a slide show about Urtica urens, please click here
Here is a link to a website with information about burns and how to treat them:
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Dear Alok,
Thank you for writing. I am sorry that you are suffering from Urticaria. Urticaria is a very commom symptom. In my computer software 463 remedies are listed for this. At the top of the list are Apis and Urica urens, but so many constitutioal remedies are listed for this symptom. My suggestion therefore is to work with a homeopath who can take your complete case, and in the process help you not just with this one symptom, but your overall health.
I wish you health and happiness.
Peace be with you,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
as on date I Am suffering from urticaria, it’s appear in 3-4am and I Am suffering 4-5 hr.
I follow my food and found I hv alargy from sour in any form, like lemon, yogurt, dry Mango etc.
Kindly suggest
Follow these steps to treat a burn at home and learn whether to call 911 or treat the burn yourself. … don’t stop cooling the burn with running water until the ambulance arrives. When to Call 911 . Call 911 if there is charring (blackened skin) or blistering (bubbles on the skin) in the following areas: … and receive daily tips that will …
Dear Atin,
Since I have not taken your complete homeopathic case, I cannot say whether Urtica urens will help you with your uric acid. In homeopathy we do not treat the end results of disease, lab results, or the diagnosis. We treat the totality of the person’s case. My suggestion is to work with a homeopath who can look at you as a whole and then select a remedy that will help you with your health.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
My uric acid is 7.2, can I take urtica urena 30
Dear Irene,
Thank you for writing and asking about radiation burns and homeopathy. One of the best remedies for Radiation burns is Radium bromatum. I have seen this help enormously for a woman with breast cancer in the 30C strength.
Other remedies listed for this in my materia medica search program by Synergy Homeopathics are:
Aloe vera
Calcarea florica
Hypericum perforatum
Urtica urens is good for first degree burns.
If you are interested in the creams from the First Aid Creams Company, they do have alcohol, as the creams are made using the mother tincture.
Please read the article on this website entitled How to Take Homeopathic Remedies to learn how to take remedies in a safe manner.
Dr. Jean-Lionel Bagot in his book: Cancer and Homeopathy recommends the following four remedies:
Fluoricum acidum 6C
Radium bromatum 6C
X-Ray 6C
Phosphorous 12C
Calendula ointment.
You may want to purchase his book to learn about his protocol.
I hope that your treatment goes very well, and that this information is helpful to you. I wish you all the best.
In love and service,
In love and service,
Was glad to find your site. How much of the creams did you mix together,and how often did you use it. I have aradiation burn under my right breast. It is so that i cannot wear my bra at this time. I have 11 more treatments to go, and i am looking for alternative treatments. I have used aquaphore, and it is fairly adequate. I have also aquired caledula cream, that walgreens ordered,due to the fact that our health store just had the gel,and i donot want any alcohol on my skin. I tried tee tree oil, and it just helped a little. I can use all the information you can give me. Where can i get the canthis 30c. I do not order anything on line. Thank you for your help,