Symphytum officinale a homeopathic first aid remedy is also knows as comphrey, knitbone and bone-set in herbal medicine. The latter names precisely describe its sphere of genius, the mending of broken bones, and the treatment of bone diseases, ranging from inflammation of the bones, or osteitis to cancers of the bones or sarcomas. Whenever I see someone sporting a cast, I run over to them to let them know about the healing power of Symphytum. People have told me how impressed they were with the speed at which they recovered from their broken bones with this medicine.
Here is a list of conditions that Symphytum can help with.
1) Injuries to bones, cartilage, tendons and periosteum. Symphytum helps with the non-union of fractures, with mending bones that are slow to heal, and where the wound has penetrated into the bones. It helps with pain remaining in the periosteum or lining of the bones after the wound has healed.
2) Injuries to the eyes. Symphytum helps with mechanical injuries to the eyes, such as blows from blunt objects. Examine Arnica and Ruta for this kind of injury as well. Think of Symphytum for injuries to the orbits of the eye.
3) Like Arnica, Symphytum helps with blows, falls and bruises, and even helps with the tendency to have such mishaps. The remedy can help with bruises to the tendons and bones.
4) Like Ruta, Symphytum helps with sprains, and injuries from overlifting or straining of muscles, bones and tendons.
5) Symphytum should be thought of for fractures due to osteoporosis.
6) Symphytum can help with diseases of the bones, such as inflammation of the bones, inflammation of the inferior maxillary bone and cancer of the bones or sarcomas. It can also help with necrosis of the bone.
7) Here is a list of other conditions that Symphytum can help with:
a) Corns
b) Gunshot wounds
c) Head injuries, concussions, fractures of the skull, splintered bones.
d) Perineum wounds
e) Phantom limb pain after amputation of limbs and fingers.
f) Psoas abscess and abscesses of the lower limbs.
g) Tennis elbow
h) Twisted or sprained ankles.
i) A symptom that seems out of place is weakness, and prostration from sexual excess.
Here is a list of some of the sensations common to Symphytum: pain as if the bone is broken; gnawing, jerking, pricking, sticking, digging, burning, stitching, and bruised pains.
The best way to remember this remedy is to keep in mind the great affinity that it has with bones and the diseases of bones. When bones are injured the patient will most often be wearing a cast, so I would give a potentized dose of Symphytum in this instance.
When someone has fractured a bone, I would consider giving the following three remedies in succession:
First I would give Arnica in potency for the trauma, shock and bruising, and to prevent excessive blood loss from the injury. After several days (or even sooner, if the patient is in a lot of discomfort), I would follow with Ruta graveolens in the 30C or 200C strength.
I would give Symphytum last so that it will have the longest time to work on the injury and mend the fracture. I would administer this in the 30C or 200C strength. I have seen this protocol work well to heal the fractured bones of many clients over the years.
Here is a link to an article on this website on How to Take Homeopathic Remedies. Click here.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
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