A Fire by the Ocean
Dear Friends,
This morning I received an email from a homeopathic organization called the Association for Homeopathic Certification. This is a quote from the article: “According to the Homeopathy Institute in London, over 200 million people use homeopathy on a regular basis worldwide? In 16 countries surveyed, six out of ten people have used homeopathy. In contrast, only about 1.8% of the American population uses homeopathy.”
I found this quite surprising. I thought that people who embraced homeopathy, or at least knew about it, were a reasonable, possibly 10% of the population. I find this low number disturbing and shocking.
At the turn of the last century a quarter of the doctors in the United States practiced homeopathy. There were over 100 homeopathic hospitals in the Unites States. The American country doctor and the American country housewife was likely to be a homeopath, who had a homeopathic remedy kit at home and a materia medica to guide their prescriptions. What happened since then? Here is a link to an excellent article by Dana Ullman, the founder of Homeopathic Educational Services, on this subject. A Condensed History of Homeopathy by Dana Ullman.
My article: Vaccine Mandates and the Historical Background also talks about this divided history.
Essentially the AMA and the pharmaceutical industry forbade homeopathy to be taught in the medical schools. Now five to six generations later, most doctors have never heard the word homeopathy, or if they have heard it, it is as something that they should despise or be highly suspicious of.
If our doctors hold this belief system, what about the population as a whole? From my experience most people know absolutely nothing about homeopathy, and are perfectly content with the treatment that they get from Western medicine.
I personally believe Western medicine is phenomenal. I have been having dental work done and I am blown away by the surgical skill, love, care and concern for humanity that my dentist has shown me. I am very fortunate, because my dentist has an open mind. She is curious about homeopathy and alternative medicine. She wants to learn.
We had a discussion about how homeopathy can help ease the recovery from dental surgery and make the patient more comfortable. She was interested in knowing how that can be done. The dentist I worked with before her for 35 years had a totally closed mind, and was not receptive to homeopathy. She learned what she learned in dental college and didn’t add anything to it over the course of her career. To learn more about homeopathy and dentistry, I invite you to read my article: Remedies to Help at the Dentist.
What I advocate is that the brilliance of Western medicine be married to the brilliance of homeopathy, so that we can help patients improve their health and reduce their suffering.
In the interest of keeping this article a reasonable length, I am giving you a link to a video I made during the pandemic of myself reading from Idries Shah’s book, The Tale of the Dervishes, from The Story of Fire.
What does fire have to do with homeopathy? In this tale people have forgotten the art of fire making, just as we in the United States have lost knowledge of Homeopathy, and the great usefulness that it has for humanity.
In this story people who know about fire travel from community to community and try to tell people about this great thing. They are met with suspicion, disbelief, and some are put to death.
I have seen this same suspicion and disbelief when it comes to homeopathy. I have spent decades with my spiritual community, and family members whom I have tried to tell about the story of fire (of homeopathy), but I have been met with a total lack of interest, understanding or curiosity.
I am a senior now and I don’t want to waste my time and energy telling people about fire (homeopathy) when they are not willing to question the medical system they were raised with, and to see if there is anything useful beyond it that can be of service to them.
It is an unfortunate state of affairs for the United States that only 1.8% of Americans know about homeopathy, the greatest healing system on earth that is as useful to mankind as fire. I encourage you to be receptive and open to believing in the miracle and usefulness of fire (homeopathy).
Wishing you health and happiness,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)