Homeopathy Meeting The Challenges of Modern Life

My Granddaughters in 2024
Dear Friends,
My way of working has significantly changed over what it had been in the first three decades of my practice. I began my homeopathic education by studying the classic texts: The Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann, The Lectures on Homeopathic Education by James Tyler Kent and so forth.
I learned the guiding symptoms of classical homeopathy:
- Match the symptoms of the remedy to the symptoms of the patient
- Prescribe one remedy at a time.
- Only repeat the remedy when the first dose is no longer helping, or there is a relapse of symptoms that had been better.
- Never give the exact same stimulus, but alter the dose slightly each time you repeat.
When I first began treating autistic children in 2004, I endeavored to use the tools of classical homeopathy, with the traditional homeopathic remedies that were to be found in our beloved materia medicas. It took me a long time to accept that the world had changed from when Hahnemann and Kent practiced Homeopathy.
I bought Tinus Smits’s book Autism Beyond Despair CEASE Therapy shortly after it was published in 2010. Being a homeopathic purist, I dismissed the book and judged Dr. Smits for not being a classical homeopath. It took me another decade before I was receptive enough and open minded enough to see that Dr. Smits was onto something. What worked in the 1700s and 1800s was not going to hold up to the destructive effects of Western medicine, environmental and technological stressors, and the devastating impact these things were having on our children and our population. The saddest evidence of this are the statistics on autism, which change for the worse each year. Currently one in 35 children is diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Of these one in 24 boys is on the spectrum.
The biggest threat to the health of our society is Western medicine and the power of the pharmaceutical industry over the legislative bodies throughout the United States.
Our job as homeopaths is to heal the sick. Nowadays that means reversing the effects of Western medicine – detoxing vaccines, detoxing pharmaceutical drugs, detoxing antibiotics and so forth. This is what CEASE Therapy teaches how to do. There are other methods that do essentially the same thing, such as Ton Jansen’s approach called Homeopathic Detox Therapy.
A Revolution In The Way I Practice Homeopathy
How I am practicing these days is that when it is indicated by the health of the patient, I prescribe the following:
1) A constitutional remedy. In many cases the classical approach of one remedy at a time may be all that is needed in uncomplicated cases.
2) A vaccine or drug clearing remedy when the decline in health can be traced to a vaccine injury, or to a prescription, or possibly non-prescription drug medication.
3) A traditional nosode, such as Medorrhinum, Tuberculinum, Baccilinum or Psorinum to clear inherited diseases, when the symptoms point to their necessity.
4) A bowel nosode, such as Morgan Bach, Gaertner, Proteus and others when there are strong indications for them.
5) An endocrine sarcode, such as Folliculinum, Hypothalamus, and Pituitary gland to help heal hormonal imbalances.
6) A matridonal remedy like Placenta, Amniotic Fluid or Oxytocin when the personality characteristics point to them. The matrimonial remedies were introduced by Melissa Assilem.
7) Organ support remedies, herbs, vitamins, Ayurvedic oils and other healing substances when it looks like they can be helpful.
Hahnemann taught that only one disease at a time could exist in the body, maybe occasionally two. I have clients with ten and more different diseases existing in the body at the same time. I believe that we should meet our clients where they are, and give them remedies for at least several aspects of their overall disease state at one session when it is called for. This will shorten the time it takes to help them heal from the numerous diseases they are dealing with simultaneously.
The Pillow Dose, The Pocket Dose, The Room Dose
These days I use the pillow dose, the pocket dose and the room dose, as much, if not more often than the traditional dose in water. The reason for this is that the method is highly effective, totally noninvasive, and it offers many benefits.
- You can bring remedies into the patient’s energetic field and remove them easily.
- You can work with more than one remedy at a time to address multiple disease states.
- You can increase or decrease the potency of the remedy with ease.
- It makes it easy to use the CEASE therapy detox remedies, while working with constitutional remedies.
- You don’t have to wait eight months to a year or longer for a single dose remedy to run its course and show evidence that there has been a relapse before repeating the remedy or changing the potency, or giving a new remedy.
- You can work with the constitutional remedy, plus a nosode, and any other supportive remedies you want to at the same time.
Homeopathy encompasses the universe. We have medicines made from the sun, the moon, electricity and all the infinity of life forms and inorganic matter. There is so much to learn. Everything on earth and in the heavens is medicine. The things that have harmed us the most when prepared homeopathically are the very thing that heals us the most.
We are highly complex beings. The stresses on us are increasing exponentially, and as homeopaths we have to broaden our tool chest and broaden our minds to meet the health challenges of modern life with effective tools that we use creatively.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)