Hypericum Perforatum Homeopathic First Aid Remedy

To buy Hypericum Perforatum Cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here.

To watch a slide show about Hypericum perforatum, please click here.


Hypericum Perforatum Homeopathic First Aid Remedy


Hypericum is one of my favorite remedies, because when you need it, it doesn’t disappoint you. When you have had that unfortunate mishap, of let’s say shutting your finger in the car door, or dropping a brick on your foot, you know that you can count on Hypericum for that much needed instant relief. I have three Hypericum stories to relate to you, which will drive home the power of this remedy to relieve.

Hypericum is for injuries to areas of the body that are rich in sentient nerves, such as the fingers, toes, and the spinal cord. One of my most memorable experiences with this remedy was an unfortunate incident that happened at my daughter’s sixth birthday. One of the children there slammed the bedroom door really hard, and it nearly severed the tip of my son’s index finger. He was a toddler at the time. The first thing I did was give him Arnica, but it did not help. Then I got out Kent’s Materia Medica and it directed me to Hypericum. I gave him a 30C dose of the remedy and within moments he had no pain, and was actually playing and quite happy. We then rushed him to the hospital, where he had surgery to reattach the crushed and torn fingertip. Unfortunately, the Hypericum prevented the anesthesia from working. I subsequently learned that you should not give Hypericum prior to surgery for just this reason. Arnica should be given instead to minimize the trauma of surgery. My son’s finger proceeded to heal beautifully. I dressed the wound with Calendula and Hypericum ointments. Now I have another little boy and not infrequently, he will shut a drawer on his finger and the Hypericum cream brings him prompt relief from the pain.

The next Hypericum story I wish to relate is of a man I met a few years ago who was in his late 50s. This man was a Vietnam veteran who served on the flight deck of a ship on the Coral Seas during the war. His job was to park the fighter planes and secure them. One of the planes ran over both of his feet, tearing off the skin and severely damaging them. He was told that the damage was so extensive that the only solution was amputation. This man was deeply spiritual and he prayed to God for help. His legs began to heal right away, and he was able to avoid amputation. I met him over thirty years later and he had been suffering from pain in the feet ever since then, with lack of sensation in the toes. He reported that the feet became really hot and inflamed, the pain radiated up and down his legs, and there was swelling involved. I gave him a 200C dose of Hypericum and within days of taking the remedy he reported to me that the feet were much better.  This was a year and a half ago and the remedy is still holding strong.  He only recently needed a repetition.

The last Hypericum story I want to relate is of a man in his 30’s who came to see me recently following an accident where he was hit by an oncoming car and landed on his tailbone. This is his description of the accident.

“The car was coming down the hill. I was on my bike. The car was going 45 miles per hour. I hit the front. I flew up and landed on the top of his car with my back. The car kept on going. It was hit and run. Then I landed on the base of my spine on the cement. I must have been out for 15 to 20 seconds. Everything went blurry. Then I felt a shooting pain at the base of my spine. When I was coming to I knew that it was pretty serious. I could tell no bones were broken.

“The accident occurred on June 10th.  A day or two later I looked in the mirror. I had never seen bruises like this in my life. The whole base of my spine was black and blue and on my left side there was this really bad bruise. It was shocking to see that manifestation of the injury.”

I prescribed Hypericum 1M to this man instead of Arnica, because of the location of the injury, the tailbone or coccyx, and the shooting pains extending from the sight of the injury. Hypericum is a specific for this type of injury. This is his report to me two weeks later about his response to the remedy: “The injury is dong very well. In fact, the day that I took the remedy it felt better.”

Here is a list of common uses for this remedy and cream.

1)           First and foremost Hypericum is to be thought of for injuries to areas rich in sentient nerves. If you have an injury to the hand or foot, particularly the fingers and toes think of this remedy first. It is much more effective than Arnica for this kind of an injury.

2)            Hypericum is the first remedy to be thought of for injuries to the coccyx, commonly known as the tailbone, and for spinal cord injuries in general.

3)            Hypericum is one of the most important remedies for head injuries. It can be thought of for convulsions following head injuries and for loss of memory following head injuries.

4)            Hypericum is known for shooting and lancinating pains along the course of the nerves extending from the sight of the injury. Crawling and numbness are other characteristics of this remedy. Think of it for numbness or lack of sensation in sentient nerves following injury.

5)         Think of Hypericum for wounds that are particularly painful. For very painful wounds I usually combine Hypericum with Calendula creams as a topical application.

6)         Following Childbirth, Hypericum can help if there has been a forceps delivery, and for bad effects of epidurals. Remember Hypericum for women who have had pain in the coccyx or spine since childbirth.

7)         Hypericum can help with excessively painful hemorrhoids, and severe rectal or anal pain. A little of the cream can bring quick relief.

8)         Hypericum is very good for abdominal surgery. Think of it for pain after inguinal or hiatal hernia surgery, and for the pain of laparotomy. It is one of the remedies I include in the surgery packet.

9)         Hypericum can be used as a first aid cream for very painful boils or abscesses where there is no discharge of pus. If these are recurrent constitutional treatment will be necessary.

10)        Animal bites.  Hypericum and Ledum are the first remedies to be thought of for animal or insect bites. Both of these remedies prevent lock-jaw or tetanus. Use Hypericum if there is shooting pain along the course of the nerves. Use Ledum if the injured part is better with ice cold applications, and there are ascending pains. See Ledum for a further differential. Quoting from the great homeopathic teacher James Tyler Kent, “Hypericum and Ledum run close together, and they have to be compared. Ledum has much of the sore bruised feeling of Arnica and will often take its place; but Hypericum and Ledum come together for consideration when an injury to a nerve has taken on inflammatory action. Instead of the muscles and bones and blood vessels, as in Arnica, Rhus and Calcarea, the nerves are the sphere for these two remedies. When the finger ends or toes have been bruised or lacerated, or a nail has been torn off, or when a nerve has become pinched between a hammer and the bone in a blow, and that nerve becomes inflamed and the pain can be traced up along the nerve, and it is gradually extending toward the body from the injured part with stitching, darting pains, coming and going, or shooting up from the region of the injury toward the body, a dangerous condition is coming on. In this condition Hypericum is above all the remedies to be thought of and hardly any other medicine is likely to come in. It hardly need be said that lock-jaw is threatening.”

11)         Mental effects, such as depression from injuries to the head, to the spine, to sentient nerves, or after operations.

12)         Asthma following spinal cord injuries.

13)         Painful teeth. Hypericum can help with pain in the teeth to buy you time until you get to the dentist. If Hypericum does not help sufficiently, it may be better to go to Arnica, particularly after dental work. Arnica or Hypericum cream applied to the cheek in the area of the tooth pain is often sufficient to bring relief.

As you can see from the above list of symptoms Hypericum has a wide range of uses, some instances calling for the Hypericum cream, and some more suited to taking the remedy in potency. I would use the cream topically for painful wounds, injuries to the fingers and toes, painful hemorrhoids, and as a soothing application during labor. For all other conditions mentioned above, I would use the remedy in potency, and consult a professional homeopath or doctor for serious conditions. 


To buy Hypericum Perforatum Cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here.

To watch a slide show about Hypericum perforatum, please click here.


Here is a link to an article on this website on How To Take Homeopathic Remedies. Click here.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)


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  1. Dear Rita,
    Thank you for writing with your question. Yes, Hypericum perforatum cream should help. I enclose a yellow sheet with all orders, which explains the way I recommend to work with the creams. Alternatively, you may benefit from a single dose of Hypericum perforatum 30C. Here is a link to an article I wrote entitled How to Take Homeopathic Remedies:

    I hope you recover soon.

    In love and service,

    Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)

    • Ritu Kapur on January 25, 2020 at 10:27 am


    I have been suffering from pelvic neuralgia for the past 18 years since the birth of my second child (I have had two C secs) and I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks back after which the nerve pain in my pelvic area (pudendal neuralgia) has become debilitating. Will hypericum ointment help – if yes how should
    I use it?

  2. Dear Rose,
    Of the two remedies you are mentioning for your carpal tunnel symptoms, the one I would suggest is Ruta graveolens, because it has such a great affinity for the wrist, and it is good for ligaments and tendons.

    Other remedies may also come into play, and it is also possible that your wrist pain is a constitutional symptom. I cannot determine that without taking your case.

    If your carpal tunnel was caused by overuse Ruta should be a good remedy for you. I would suggest a single one time dose of the Ruta 30C. Please read the article on this website entitled How to Take Homeopathic Remedies.

    I hope that your wrist feels better soon.

    In love and service,

    Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)

    • Rose on January 12, 2020 at 2:33 am

    Hello, I was examined and diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. I have read that both Ruta and Hypericum are good homeopath for this type of issues but not sure which one I should be taking. This will be my first time taking homeopath medics. Any suggestions on this and how to take the dose would be helpful. Rose

  3. Dear Devandra,
    It is possible that you may benefit from Hypericum perforatum, which is good for injuries to the spine. Here is a link to an article on How to Take Homeopathic Remedies.

    I hope you recover soon.

    In love and service,

    Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)

    • Devendra on February 1, 2019 at 7:32 am

    Dear Sir


    I am suffering with Slip disc L5-S1. Sir, it is paining like hell. Doctors say that the disc cannot be corrected without surgery. I am only 33 and don’t want to go for surgery.
    Please help me


  4. Dear Zara,
    I am very sorry that you have been suffering from tinnitus for four years. There are 323 remedies listed for tinnitus, so it is not possible to help without taking the complete case.

    If you are interested in working with me for homeopathy, please complete the adult questionnaire on this website and email it back to me. That way I will know you are ready to proceed.

    I hope you recover soon.

    In love and service,

    Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)

    • Zara on January 24, 2019 at 12:54 pm

    I am suffering from tinnitus since 4 years.
    Now the ringing is so loud that i cannot even sleep or concentrate….please help…

  5. Dear Sudhir,
    I am sorry that your wife sufferend from shingles recently, and that she has acute nerve pain remaining. There are 230 remedies listed for shingles. Of these two are in the highest degree: Ranunculus bulbosa and Rhus tox. You may want to study the symptoms of these two remedies to see if they fit your wife’s case.

    Ledum is not listed for shingles, and Hypericum in low grading.

    I hope your wife recovers soon.

    In love and service,

    Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)

    • Sudhir Sinha on December 8, 2018 at 9:19 am

    Dear Deborah

    My wife suffered from Shingles crecently. The blusters have heales but she still suffers from acute nerve pain. Do
    you think Hypericum 200c or Ledum Pal 200c will help?

  6. Dear Tamara,
    I am sorry to hear about your husband’s burn injury to his hands and wrist. Topically I would recommend Urtica Urens cream, which you can purchase at firstaidcreams.com.

    He may also benefit from Cantharis, Arsenicum album, Causticum and others. Please let me know if your husband would like to schedule a brief one hour trauma consultation. You can respond to my email: Olenev@att.net.

    I hope your husband recovers quickly.

    In love and service,


  1. […] Hypericum Perforatum Homeopathic First Aid Remedy – To buy Hypericum Perforatum Cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here. To watch a slide show about Hypericum perforatum, please click here. Hypericum Perforatum Homeopathic First Aid Remedy […]

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