To buy Calendula Officinalis Cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here.
To watch a slide show about Calendula Officinalis, please click here.
Calendula Officinalis Homeopathic First Aid Remedy
Calendula, the yellow marigold, is another member of the Compositae family, like our friends Arnica montana and Bellis perennis, and is a remedy that has as many wonderful uses. I would make sure that all mothers and fathers were familiar with this remedy, if I could. This remedy is truly a friend to children, and everyone else. Here is a list of some of its uses:
1) For falls, lacerated wounds, and septic wounds. Calendula Officinalis is the great homeopathic antiseptic. Germs cannot thrive in the presence of Calendula. Calendula will draw out dirt that is embedded deep in the wound. Apply Calendula topically to all wounds where the skin is broken. If even with the application of Calendula topically, the wound begins to look infected, take Calendula 30C internally, and it will heal that wound up promptly, as I have witnessed with my eldest son and his falls. Just recently my husband was knocked off his bicycle by our dog, Sarah, and got a pretty bad cut on his lower leg. We applied Calendula topically to the wound, but even so after two days there was a bright red area around the sight of the injury, so I gave him a dose of Calendula 30C internally and the wound healed beautifully within a day or two.
Calendula is listed in my repertory for painful wounds, wounds that do not heal, chronic effects from wounds, wounds that tend to break open and heal again, dissecting wounds, festering wounds, gangrenous wounds, gaping wounds, inflammation of wounds, neglected wounds, suppurating wounds, and lacerated, torn or ragged wounds. As you can see Calendula and wounds are best buddies.
Calendula prevents too early scab formation at the wound site, and stimulates the growth of epithelial cells. It keeps the healing agents actively working on the site until the wound is healed. This helps to inhibit scars and infections. Avoid frequent changing of the bandage, because this interferes with the healing process, and causes too early scab formation, which can result in scarring. Remember when cleaning a wound always clean outwardly away from the wound.
2) Gunshot wounds. Calendula prevents suppuration and infection of gunshot wounds. I would hope that the hospital staff would give you an internal dose of Calendula for this, as well as apply it topically to the wound.
3) Diaper rashes. Calendula is very helpful to heal up the diaper rashes of babies. If the rashes are severe, please see a professional homeopath, as the child may need a constitutional remedy.
4) Promotes healthy granulation of the tissues and prevents peritonitis after surgery. I always recommend my clients who are going through surgery to take Calendula 30C or 200C after they have taken their Arnica, Staphysagria, Hypericum and other pain medications and healing agents to help complete the healing of the wound and prevent infection. Calendula helps prevent keloid formation. I cannot imagine going through a surgery without having this remedy as insurance.
5) Promotes healing after dental work. I always recommend my clients to apply a compress of a few drops of Calendula tincture dissolved in warm water to the socket of the tooth that has been removed in dental extractions, or to the sight where dental work has been done to promote healing, prevent infection, and bring soothing relief. It also helps to stop bleeding.
6) Soothing relief during and after delivery. A compress of Calendula tincture dissolved in warm water and applied to the perineum during and after labor can be very soothing and healing to the laboring mother.
7) Calendula helps with the maturation and healing of abscesses.
8) Calendula helps to relieve the pain and fever of carbuncles.
9) In Clarke’s dictionary, I read that Calendula tincture applied on a hot compress, can help in pneumonia and other internal inflammations.
In summary, Calendula is wonderful to have around the house in many forms, as a cream, in tincture form and as an internal homeopathic remedy. Please remember Calendula as the favored topical application of homeopaths for wound dressing.
To buy Calendula Officinalis Cream, from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here.
To buy Calendula Officinalis Butter from the First Aid Creams Company, please click here.
To watch a slide show about Calendula Officinalis, please click here.
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Hydrogel wound dressings, which are good for wound hydration. This wound dressing is best for dry or dehydrated open wounds, severe scrapes or abrasions, minor burns, and open wounds with granulation tissue development. Hydrogel gives soothing effect to the wound site and retain hydration on the wound …
Dear Satish,
I am sorry that your mother needed to have her finger amputated. Please purchase Hypericum perforatum 30C and give your mother just one dose. This should take a way the pain of the amputated finger. Hypericum is good for injuries or trauma to areas rich in nerves, such as the fingers, and when correctly administered it relieves pain very fast. Here is a link to an article on How To Take Homeopathic Remedies.
Here is a link to an article about Hypericum perforatum.
I hope this helps your mother feel better quickly.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Dear Doctor,
I had to go for amputation of the little finger from the tip to the first challenge. But, during dressing the amputated finger using hydrogen peroxide and betadine solution , she screams out of pain. She is 76 year old and diabetic under control.
How long will skin take to grow over the the amputated finger ?
I already gave two doses of calendula 200 once a day after the amputation.
Shall I give Silica or continue with calendula or something else?
Dear Satish,
I am sorry for the lateness of my reply. I only have time to reply to blog comments once or twice a month. I repertorized the symptoms that you listed here, and the remedy that comes to the top is Silica. You may want to give your mother a single dose of Silica 30C or 200C and not repeat for at least a month. Please follow the rules of repetition on the article How To Take Homeopathic Remedies.
I hope that your mother’s finger heals soon.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Hi Deborah,
My mother is diagnosed as suffering from dry gangrene on little finger. Top challenge is blackened and has hardened and rest of the finger appears as having pus and swelling which is causing pain and it planned to do a surgical procedure after a week(tentatively on 14th sept) from now (ecospirin use is asked to be discontinued in this week). But after the procedure is supposed to be done, the dressing has to be continued till healing happens ( about 3 to 6 weeks). Currently betadine ointment is prescribed to applied.
But, i am very eager to avoid the surgical process which may cause amputation. Kindly let me know homoeo medicine to be used in the week to cure the dry gangrene.
Dear Vishaka,
Thank you for writing with your question. It may be good to take Calendula officinalis 200C. This is very good to take post surgically, and it helps with wound healing in general, but also for incised wounds that suppurate or ooze profusely. I hope this will help you heal.
If you take it, just take one dose and do not repeat. Here is a link to an article on How to Take Homeopathic Remedies:
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
I had c section 3 and a half months back. Pus had been oozing from the incision site for which i had resuturing done. But still some discharge is there named as serous drainage by doctors. What homeopathy medicine should i take. As doctors said if this time antibiotics dont work then another surgery will have to be done. Please help.
Dear Davinder,
Thank you for writing with your question. My suggestion would be to take an oral dose of Calendula officinalis 30C, as this is stronger than the cream and the mother tincture. I would suggest taking only one dose and not repeating. You can evaluate yourself after a month or two. You would only repeat the remedy if symptoms that had improved moved backward. This remedy can be ordered on line.
I hope this help.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Hello sir I got scrapes at foot and knee my wound get infected I used many allopathic ointments but I got not any relief now I am using calendula mother tincture and cream I felt relief now suggest me any oral homeopathic medicine
Dear Parminder,
Calendula is not the best remedy for gum abscess. You may want to look at remedies like Silica, Hecla lava, Hepar sulph and others. I hope you will recover from this condition soon.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev
Dear Lakshmi,
I am sorry to hear that your dog has the contact dermatitis on his scrotum. There are many remedies that have eruptions on the scrutum, so there is not enough information here for me to give you any guidance. Calendula cream or ointment may help soothe the condition, but it will not cure it. He would need an appropriately chosen constitutional remedy based on his symptoms to address this.
I wish you all the best.
Warm regards,
Deborah Olenev
CalendulaQcan be used in gum abcess
My labrador dog keeps getting contact dermatitis on his scrotum. I wash the area with betadine and apply neosporin powder. Will using calendula tincture help? Is there any other homeopathic remedies that you could suggest? Tia.
Regards Lakshmi.
Dear Madi,
I am sorry to hear about your injury. It was very good that you applied Calendula ointment. It is fine to use this with the petroleum jelly base.
You may also benefit from taking a single dose of Calendula officinalis 30C.
Please read the article on this website entitled How to Take Homeopathic Remedies to learn how to take remedies safely.
If after the using the Calendula, you have any residual nerve pain or numbness, you may want to take a dose of Hypericum perforatum 30C.
I also sell a Hypericum Calendula Cream at the website or on Here are links to where you can get these:
Hypericum Caendula:
Hypericum has a strong affinity for the fingers, but some finger injuries do better with Calendula than Hypericum.
I hope your finger heals quickly.
In love and service,
Hi Deborah,
I sliced a 1 cm x 0.5 cm on my finger that exposed white layers beneath (guess its muscle). I ignored it for 3 days but panicked when i saw yellowish covering on the 4th day. So doc gave me an antibiotic cream which i have applied for 3 days in a row. The wound seemed dry.. yellow scab on pus. Now I am at the 7th day: (the wound has been left open throughout excrpt one night which caused yellow pus next morning.. after which i applied antibiotic cream)
1. I stopped applying antibiotic cream
2. I used calendula 4% ointment (petroleum jelly base) given by my neighbour
After one application, the wound seems to be a bit moist now and has kind of opened up a reddish wet spot that appeared to have a bit of blood oozing out.
So my qn is : is it safe to apply petroleum jelly based calendula ointment on open wound that now has dry yellowish cover? Should I use some other form of calendula? If so, what is the procedure for applying the ointment or whatever else you prescribe?
My mum is after me to switch to applying virgin coconut oil instead.
Happy to leave you a donation for the great help this articlr has been. Do guide me on how to!
Dear Olivia,
Thank you for writing about your dog. I am sorry he has vasculitis of the ears. Unfortunately I am not able to give you a quick and easy answer on what remedy to use for this. There are 28 remedies listed under vasculitis, and none for vasculitis associated with the word ear. Almost all the 28 remedies were not traditional homeopathic remedies, so I was not familiar with them.
Then I looked it up as inflammation of the blood vessels and 67 remedies did show up, all of which are well known homeopathic constitutional remedies. I also looked up as ulceration of the ear.
It appears to be a syphilitis symptom, as there is tissue destruction, but I would need to know the entire case in order to make a prescription. I am also not a vet, so I would recommend working with a homeopathic veterinarian to help you with this.
I am sorry I could not be more helpful, and I wish you and your dog all the best.
In love and service,
Dear Ros,
Thank you for writing about your baby. Giving your daughter a single dose of Calendula 30C and not repeating may help, but it is also important to think about why this sore is so slow to heal. Do you know what the sore or wound was caused from?
It is possible that your daughter could benefit from a constitutional remedy, such as Silica or Graphites, which are good for wounds that are slow to heal. There are actually 98 remedies listed for wounds that are slow to heal.
Also is the wound an ulcer? There are four remedies listed for ulcers on the buttocks or nates: Sabina, Calcarea phosphorica, Graphites and Cantharis.
The best thing for you to do may be to work with a homeopath on this. If you are interested in working with me, please complete the pediatric questionnaire that you can find on this website and e-mail it to me.
I hope your baby recovers very quickly.
In love and service,
This is a great article! My 4 month old baby has a dime sized open sore/wound on one buttocks. We’ve tried many things to get it to go away but nothing is working. The pediatrician prescribed topical and oral antibiotics. So far we’ve only tried the topical, to no avail. I’ve used Calendula now for 5 days on and off with a zinc oxide diaper cream. I’m wondering if I should give the baby an oral dose of calendula or maybe try something else like sulphur. Could you please give us some advice? I’d really hate to give oral antibiotics as I know what that can do to the body. Thanks!!
My whippet dog has had vasculitis of the ears for over a year now, according to the vet. We have used different homeopathic remedies on this, mainly internally, but have used Calendula ointment on his ears. Can you recommend the best remedy for this condition and how to use it? I used Thuja first, then other different ones, recommended by a holistic vet. However, nothing has cured this condition. He has lost pieces of his ears on the edges due to wound like places, and they bleed, scab, and repeat. He also gets these sores on the inside first, and I get the feeling these sores cut off circulation to the edges, causing the places that bleed and then the pieces fall off. Would the Calendula tincture help internally? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Neha,
Thank you for your question. I am sorry about the injury to your heel. I looked up injuries to the heel in my Synergy Homeopathics Materia Medica search program. The remedy listed in bold for injuries to the heel is Allium cepa, which is a remedy made from onions. This may be a good remedy to take or Hypericum perforatum, which is good for injuries to areas rich in nerves.
I think I would try the Allium cepa first, either in the 12C or 30C potency. Please see my instructions on How To Take Homeopathic Remedies on this website to learn how to take remedies. I always give only one dose in water, and do not repeat. I evaluate after seven weeks. Only if the pain returns after that point would I repeat.
I hope you recover quickly.
In love and service,
i had a deep wound from falling, about 7 years ago. it healed. but since it was near the sole, so it used to hurt while walking and took more time to heal because there would be pressure on a it from walking. I developed a habit of walking awkwardly even when the skin grew back, because I was scared of the pain. I’m not sure if the pain is real or imaginary, but the memory of that pain is crystal clear on my mind even now. And I try to avoid putting pressure on that healed wound while walking or I fear I will feel that pain again. I’m not sure if this is imaginary or real, but due to this instinctive walk, I have developed bad posture and body ache…. can it be some wound issue to be healed by calendula? Or simply nothing.
Dear Syamala,
I apologize for my delay in responding to your blog question. I would recommend diluting 5 to 7 drops of the mother tincture in 4 oz. of water in a cup, and then gargle or rinse your mouth with it. The pure mother tincture is so concentrated and I feel it would be too strong. Calendula is a powerful medicine, so I would do this once and wait for three days to see if you have relief. If the blisters are better, do not reply. Only reapply if you had relief and then the blisters came back again in the future.
I wish you all the best.
In love and Service,
Hello Doctor,
I want to know if calendula morher tincture can be applied directly to gum blisters without mixing with water.
Dear Abishek,
Thank you for your comment. Caledula officinalis is a great remedy and cream for healing wound, and can soothe skin conditions, but it is unlikely to cure the symptoms that you are mentioning. It is more likely that you could benefit from homeopathic constitutional treatment. The homeopath you work with would take your complete case, looking at all aspects of you, including mental, emotional and physical symptoms in order to make a prescription for your skin condition.
If you are interested in working with me, please complete the questionnaire on the website and e-mail it to, so that I know you are ready to begin treatment. I wish you all the best.
In love and service,
Hey doc,
I am suffering from itching on my entire body. And I have pimples coming out of my body due to this. I have lumps like things they are different from pimples on my penis and scotrum skin. So can you please tell me applying CALENDULA OFFICINALIS homeopathic will help me in resolving my both problems.
Thank you
Dear Shashank,
I am sorry for my delay in answering your question. you, you can give your father Calendula 30C, if he is not under homeopathic constitutional treatment with another homeopath. Your father may also benefit from consulting with a homeopath, as remedies such as Arsenicum album, Lachesis muta, Secale cornutum and others can be helpful for the gangrenous toe.Here are the directions for giving your father the dose of the Calendula 30C:
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Please dissolve 3 pellets of Calendula 30C in 4 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Please drink 4 tablespoons of the liquid. You should hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may drink regular water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
The remedy will begin to cycle through your repertoire of symptoms while it looks for what it needs to work on. When it does so the symptoms may intensify for awhile before they get better. That intensification is a good thing, as it shows you that the remedy has located what it needs to work on and is addressing the symptoms. The cycling process can take weeks or months depending upon how deep rooted the symptoms are. It is normal for symptoms from the past to show up during the cycling process, but they should resolve on their own in a short time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the initial reaction period.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
My father had a gangrenous diabetic toe which was amputated now I have to do regular dressing of wound with betadine one of my homeopaths friend has prescribed calanduela for topical dressing my question is that can I take calendula 30c orally if yes than how ?
Dear Nivi,
Thank you for your question. Yes, you can use Calendula 30C internally. I recommend a one time dose that you do not repeat, unless the remedy has helped and you see a return of symptoms. Here are the remedy directions:
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Please dissolve 3 pellets of Calendula 30C in 4 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Drink 4 tablespoons of the liquid. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may drink regular water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
You may experience a time in the first three weeks after taking the remedy when your symptoms might be up and down. This is the remedy cycling through your repertoire of symptoms and looking for what it needs to work on. With homeopathy symptoms often intensify before they get better. That intensification is a good thing, as it shows you that the remedy has located what it needs to work on and is addressing the symptoms.
Another remedy that may be helpful is Bellis perennis 30C. This is good for injuries or surgery to soft tissue, like the abdomen.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Hi, I had a csection 3 weeks go.Can I use calendula 30 internally? How to use?
Dear Pankaj,
Yes, you can take Calendula 30C orally. These are the instructions I would use. Please take the remedy only once and do not repeat, unless at least a month has passed, and you are seeing the return of symptoms that had been better:
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Dissolve 2 pellets of Calendula officinalis 30C in 4 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Drink 3 tablespoons of the liquid. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may drink regular water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
You may experience a time in the first three weeks after taking the remedy when your symptoms might be up and down. This is the remedy cycling through your repertoire of symptoms and looking for what it needs to work on. With homeopathy symptoms often intensify before they get better. That intensification is a good thing, as it shows you that the remedy has located what it needs to work on and is addressing the symptoms. Once that intensification passes, the symptoms should get better soon. Each time you take a remedy the cycling process gets easier, but I wanted to make you aware that this is a normal process after taking a remedy. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the initial reaction period.
I hope you have a good response to the Calendula.
In love and service,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
Can I take Calendula 30C orally in case of wound? I am going to purchase Calendula 30C from On this page it is written that Calendula 30C is a healing antiseptic. So please clarify how can we take antiseptic orally?